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Fly from Inner Mongolia for Luohu commercial city

Time: 2016-03-08   Source: 罗湖商业城   Publisher: admin

I haven't been to Luohu commercial 

city for a long time.

It was a good chance for me to come 

to Shenzhen.

I had many old friends here.

A few days ago in the afternoon

I went to Luohu commercial city.

When did the KFC come to the first floor?

I bought a Coca-Cola by the way.

There was a clothing street on the

fourth floor.

It was worth to buy shoes and 

clothes here.

I did a maintenance for my shoes on

my feet.

Dinner time I came to my old friend,Xun Wei Ge.

I always came to here,and the dishes were good.

Here was a good place for people to have a chat

because of the beautiful environment.
